About us

Think. Do. Say. - Is our approach, which brings out the experience lived by each of us

Club Mindset Owners was born out of a need to meet like-minded business people with similar values. We wanted to exchange experiences, discuss business challenges and offer support to one another.

Having businesses in three different countries, we spoke to our partners and have started business meetings using a tested and patented system. We continuously select like-minded business owners (to join us?) and we now have very productive and valuable meetings within the community.

Business events
Years of experience in Business Networking Events
Mission and Values

Bringing out the altruistic side in people and creating experiences that bring business owners together so we can build the future that we want to live in.


The quality of being correct and trustworthy.

Time efficiency

Respect the most valuable asset we have: Time.

Lifelong learning approach

The ongoing, self-motivated pursuit of knowledge.


The willingness to support and act in favour of other people.


We establish and develop an entrepreneurial environment where we support one another and grow together continuously.

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